Cigma Vape | Worlds Slimmest Smallest Refillable Rechargeable E Cigarette Starter Kit | E Shisha | Rechargeable battery | Refillable Clearomizer | Vaporizer | White | Money Back Guarantee


Worlds Smallest Refillable and Rechargeable E Cigarette and E Shisha. Discrete – Small – Compact – Stylish.
Recommend with Cigma 10ml Liquids for best Vaping Experience or Refill with your own Favourite e Liquid Bottles. Using a 10ml is the approx equivalent of 300 ‘tobacco cigarettes’ and 1/30 of the cost!
Easy USB Charging for Laptops – PC – and many USB Ports. Realistic Red LED Tip.


Cigma Vape is the latest innovative step in the Electronic cigarette market. The Vape combines the latest technologies to bring a vapourizer that shows off the best of the vaping world while looking like a normal cigarette.

With a more realistic cigarette battery and a nano clearomizer, the Cigma Vape gives you a vaping experience that can be enjoyed as much as a traditional cigarette.

Cigma Vape – The World’s smallest Refillable and Rechargeable E Cigarette/E shisha!

Discrete – Small – Compact – Stylish and Easy to Use.

How to Pour e Liquid:

Simply unscrew the clearomizer head from the battery and pour your liquid into the side of the chamber. Pour up to the maximum level and then screw the battery back onto the clearomizer. Wait 1-2min for the wick to fully soak. Then Vape away!

(Clearomizer comes with wick pre-soaked in neutral liquid, no nicotine, no flavour, vegetable glycerine – to increase Longevity).

How to Charge the battery:

Simply unscrew the clearomizer from the battery. Screw the battery into the USB charger provided. Average charge is 2hrs. The battery LED will light up to indicate charging. Once the LED turns off, it is fully charged and you are ready to use. Full battery lasts an average of 200-250 Puffs.

Which Liquid to use?

We recommend the Cigma 10ml e liquid bottle as the main choice of Liquid for this product. The nozzle is made perfectly for pouring into the side of the clearomizer and only premium formulas and flavours were selected to gain the best experience. (Cigma Vape does not come with Liquid Bottle)

Money back guarantee if unsatisfied.

Worlds Smallest Refillable and Rechargeable E Cigarette and E Shisha. Discrete – Small – Compact – Stylish.
Recommend with Cigma 10ml Liquids for best Vaping Experience or Refill with your own Favourite e Liquid Bottles. Using a 10ml is the approx equivalent of 300 ‘tobacco cigarettes’ and 1/30 of the cost!
Easy USB Charging for Laptops – PC – and many USB Ports. Realistic Red LED Tip.
Over Smoking Protection – Low Voltage Protection. Pre Soaked Wick in neutral Liquid to increase longevity.
No Tobacco, No Tar, No Carbon Monoxide, No Harmful Toxins, No Odours. Money back guarantee if unsatisfied.
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